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October 6, 2023
Maestra Certificada en Moldes y Patrones, Educadora, Autora
Re: Confección fácil...
Estimados emprendedores,
Alguna vez:
Estos son los problemas que enfrenté hace años cuando comencé a confeccionar.
... y son los mismos desafíos que muchos de mis estudiantes todavía enfrentan hoy en día .
Ahora si quieres confeccionar las prendas que ha soñado, rápida y fácilmente...
En lugar de pasar días, meses o años buscando algo o Dios no lo quiera, gastar una fortuna contratando a alguien que lo haga por ti ...
Y anhelas la satisfacción de crear algo hermoso con tus propias manos,
Entonces esta puede ser la carta más importante que jamás hayas leído...
Cuando comencé a buscar moldes en línea y a comprar revistas, esto es lo que descubrí:
La mayoría de los planos y revistas de carpintería son BASURA COMPLETA.
Este es el por qué:
Y en muchos casos, ¡simplemente NO hay suficientes detalles!
Uno de los moldes que vi fue el de un vestido moderno, pero los detalles sobre cómo confeccionarlo eran terribles.
Tienes que empezar a adivinar dónde colocar los puntos de costura, etc.
Otra fue que la manga de un molde no es recto ya que tiene un diseño que no se explicó.
Así que tomé una plantilla de papel, la dibujé y tracé en el molde lo mejor que pude para una de mis alumnas.
Estos moldes llamados "paso a paso" hacen que confeccionar una prenda sea MÁS DIFÍCIL de lo que realmente es.
¡No es de extrañar que confeccionar una prenda parezca tan difícil!
Bueno, afortunadamente para ti, estos problemas se convierten en una bendición disfrazada.
Porque he pasado los últimos 5 años armando la colección de moldes profesionales más completa del mundo.
Estos moldes únicos son redactados por cientos de estudiantes y por mí. NO los encontrará en ningún otro lugar.
Entonces, ¿qué pasaría si te dijera que podrías conseguir +600 moldes profesionales de costura ...?
con moldes y patrones “ya hechos para usted” que incluyen instrucciones paso a paso, dibujos y listos para imprimir...
¿Para que pueda crear impresionantes prendas profesionales de manera fácil, rápida y sin complicaciones?
So what makes a "perfect woodworking plan?"
Simply put, it must be detailed enough to leave nothing to guesswork yet simple enough for beginners. It must also contain complete instructions from start to finish.
Look at the features and see why our plans are 10x better than all "mass-market" plans:
"Ted has an extensive selection of plans with amazing clarity...thumbs up!"
- American Woodworker Magazine
I draft plans every month for my students in my workshop classes.
I also take custom requests if you have a specific, unique project in mind.
In addition to the 16,000 plans, we release new plans every month drafted from our workshop.
You will get lifetime access to a membership area where you can download these new plans monthly.
We've been releasing new plans for several years now to thousands of woodworkers.
You can even request a plan to be drafted for you and I'll make sure it gets drafted in the next cycle.
Here are the types of plans we draft:
Here is a partial list of all 16,000 plans included in TedsWoodworking.
There are many more categories that I can't fit on a single page. This is also an ever-growing list as we add new plans every single month.
All your plans comes with highly detailed schematics so there is no need for guesswork!
I’ve seen plenty of plans and instructions out there…
and after reviewing them, I’m not surprised why many aspiring woodworkers – exceptionally talented people just like you – just give up after trying them!
Some of them are just a few simple images… and then you’re expected to figure out everything else on your own.
No diagrams, no 3D drawings, no lists.
Just a “good luck” and that’s about it.
TedsWoodworking gives you “total package” instruction and resources to empower you to get those projects done right the first time… and to avoid all the blunders and confusion!
TedsWoodworking makes it easy to complete workshop, furniture, and LOTS of other projects… no matter whether you’re just starting out or you have years of experience!
With “hold-you-by-your-hand” detailed instructions, step by step plans and a wealth of other resources, you get everything you need to produce stunning results!
Most of us don’t fully realize our woodworking talents because we think our projects are going to cost a bundle.
But in TedsWoodworking, you’ll get proven strategies for completing your costs for a fraction of what most retailers charge!
Maybe your “pro shop” is a few years off and you don’t need a full suite of tools and machines… but that’s perfectly OK.
You can take on these projects at your own pace… and develop solid skills and techniques that will help you tackle any kind of woodworking project!
I don't want you to take MY word for it.
Instead, I'd like you to see what a few of TedsWoodworking buyers have to say...
“I’ve read numerous books and bought several online woodworking plans and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every aspect. It has got lots of different ideas and inspiration. Plans are detailed and the instructions are in-depth.
I’d rate this package as one of the best collection on woodworking plans I’ve reviewed. You simply must get this, especially if you are just getting started in woodworking. As far as I am concerned, this is a bargain. The level of detail will set a new standard in the field.”
Willie Stark -
Woodworking, Valdosta
“I just got this package a few days ago, and I’ve had a hard time putting it down. There are lots of full-color pictures, with thorough descriptions of every step in the project. These turned out to be even better than I’d hoped!
Plans are super easy to read and understand, unlike several others I looked online. I can’t wait to get started building some of the pieces and I have some projects picked out to start as soon as I can get the lumber! A valuable addition to my woodworking reference library. I would highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested in woodworking.”
Bradly Lerwill -
Durham, UK
“Of all the woodwork plans I have bought over the years, this is the best collection I have. Its an excellent resource for beginners as well as seasoned woodworkers. It includes tons of blueprints for different small crafts, furniture and outdoor projects and it’s simply outstanding…an excellent investment for anyone starting out.
I would loved to have had these when I was building my first outdoor deck. Considering the excellent content, and the quality of the plans itself, this package is quite a bargain.“
Melvin Jones-
AWFS Association,
WLake Ariel PA
“I’ve been looking for something like this for the longest time. You get to learn how to design, detailed photographs of the projects, exploded blueprints, materials list and step by step instruction. It even shows you the different tools needed and how to use them and really explains the entire process to you.
If you want to get ideas on your project or build thousands of quality works in wood, you owe it to yourself to get this package.”
Kevin Roane - San Mateo, CA
Download over 16,000 “done for you” plans with step-by-step blueprints and easy to follow instructions that makes the most challenging project a walk in the park!
From large outhouses to intricate crafts and furniture around the house, I’ve got EVERYTHING covered. You would be able to build any project you could ever imagine!
Get monthly free plans for life. We draft new plans monthly and you'll get to download them for free.
You will get lifetime access to a membership area where you can download these new plans monthly.
There are NO recurring fees, no expiry date.
Request a custom plan drafted for you. If you have a specific project in mind, our team of craftsman will be able draft up a custom plan for you.
Plus, you get all the help you need to complete your project from our master woodworkers via email and forum support.
Access your plans from any device, anytime, anywhere - which makes it super convenient for you
View all your plans on any mobile / tablet device so you can view it while working at your shop
Get immediate lifetime access to all your plans in the members area.
You can also opt for the DVDs & USB thumbdrive of all current plans, training, bonuses and we’ll ship it to your mailbox.
Download tons of included guides on techniques & invaluable resources to expand your skills.
Get access to an archive of tutorial videos covering fundamentals and advanced woodworking techniques.
As you sit there reading this, I know you're thinking about all the different projects you're going to make...
and how woodworking is going to be a breeze when you buy TedsWoodworking Package.
Listen up closely... If you got plan to build any other woodwork project, TedsWoodworking will be invaluable to you.
The first bonus is the award winning "DWG/CAD Plan Viewer". Now you don't have to pay for overpriced CAD software.
A typical CAD software like AutoCAD will cost you a whooping $1985 on Amazon!
Dream it, Design it, Build it! This software allows you to edit, modify or even create your own woodworking plans. It will save you hundreds of dollars on "advice" that ends up not helping you at all.
You're also going to receive lifetime membership access to over 150 premium woodworking videos on a wide array of woodworking topics, hosted by veteran woodworkers.
It comes with easy-to-follow step by step video instructions and you can browse our huge selection of woodworking videos, including detailed instructional videos all designed to enhance your woodworking skills.
New videos are added constantly...
These hi quality premium videos are worth $77 if I sell this separately but you'll get free access if you order today.
Ever thought of making some money selling your woodwork? Now you can!
With the "How To Start A Woodworking Business" book, you'll learn how to turn your passion into profits.
This is a step-by-step detailed guide on how to make money selling your custom woodwork and it is a great addition to this package.
And to top it all off, I'm going to do something I didn't originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning TedsWoodworking, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all woodworkers. I wanted to sell the next bonus individually for $39.00 but to sweeten this deal, I'm going to give it to you!
As if that's not enough, you'll also be glad to know that I'm throwing the Complete Woodworking Guides.
It contains over 200 pages of woodworking tips and tricks with detailed drawings, diagrams and photos.
Think of this as the foundation for your woodworking plans. There's no fluff here.
It's 200 pages of solid, step-by-step and straightforward advice that sets you up for your woodworking projects. The guides covers all the bases, from working with hand tools to cutting dovetails and many more.
Here's how it works: Every month we release new plans drafted from our workshop.
You will get lifetime access to a membership area where you can download these new plans every month. There are NO recurring fees, no expiry date.
We've been releasing new plans monthly for several years now to thousands of woodworkers. Join our community and get free plans for life!
Now, you may believe a huge collection of plans such as this will be extremely expensive...
...and truth to be told it really should be considering the immense value that thousands of satisfied woodworkers are getting from our package.
Of course, when magazines and online sites sell EACH individual plan for $10-$20, it's only natural to think a package containing 16,000 plans and that I poured years of my life into creating might be unaffordable.
However, it's not!
I only felt right by making TedsWoodworking affordable for every woodworker, so I'm offering a limited-time, special launch discount
That's right. Your investment for the entire course is only
That's a lifetime of woodworking projects on tap for the price of a fancy dinner.
But please let me warn you : this special launch offer will close soon and you won't be able to get in at this price after that even if you want to.
Once I start receiving more testimonials, I'm going to raise the price accordingly.
First I'll bump it up to $197.00...then to $297.00 and more...and it'll still be a bargain for what you're getting..
This is a one-time purchase. There are no monthly fees.
I hate seeing the word "guarantee" everywhere. What is it supposed to mean? Just words. Platitudes to get you to buy.
So, I'm making you more than just a guarantee. It's a personal promise to you.
I honestly believe this is the most complete woodworking package currently available ANYWHERE else ... I would want the ground to open and swallow me whole if I thought you were disappointed. So here's the deal...
If this is not the most complete woodworking resource you've ever seen, simply email me and I will return 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
This my full 60 days IRON-CLAD money back guarantee to you.
Please let me warn you: this special launch offer will close soon and you won't be able to get in at this price after that even if you want to.
Because the TedsWoodworking Limitless Projects Club will soon be $39 per month.
But HERE… on THIS page… the price is a one-time fee of just $67. And this page is going away very soon. I reserve the right to end this discount at anytime without warning after October 5, 2023
And I think the choice is an easy one!
For the price of a night out, you can take any and all headaches out of building quality woodwork projects - FOREVER.
Think about all the time, energy and cost you'll save with a collection of 16,000 plans at your fingertips.
Even better, after you order you will get INSTANT ACCESS to all the plans. There is no need to wait for shipping and you can get the information you want in seconds from now!
With thousands of happy users it's time for you to get in on the action. So don't waste any time.
Take action right now:
This is a one-time purchase. I reserve the right to end this discount at anytime without warning after October 5, 2023
You can download the entire "TedsWoodworking" 16,000 plansand all the bonuses right now. Plus you'll get the option of getting everything on a snazzy USB or DVDs.
You can be going through all my plans in just a few minutes from now and get started on your project immediately.
Experience the joy... the satisfaction, to know with 100% certainty that your project will turn out EXACTLY the way you want it to look.
All you have to do to get started is click the ‘Add to Cart’ button today:
P.S: Remember...you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your plans. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
P.P.S: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price once the introductory offer ends.
This is a one-time purchase. There are no monthly fees or hidden costs. I reserve the right to end this discount at anytime without warning after October 5, 2023
Acceso instantáneo a +600 moldes profesionales con sus archivos listos para imprimir en hojas A4 - Carta, formato Plotter y su editable para escalar y reducir tallas.
Moldes gratuitos mensuales con acceso de membresía de por vida: sin renovaciones, tarifas recurrentes u otros cargos